A most glorious invitation

We have full freedom and confidence to enter into the Holy of Holies”

(Hebrews 10:19, AMPC)

“We can boldly enter heaven’s Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus”

(Heb. 19:10, NLT)

God the Father is extending to you an invitation to step right through the Temple curtain that gives entrance into the holiest place in the universe. That is, into the fulness of His Presence. In Old Testament times, such an invitation would be utterly unthinkable because nothing other than perfection can stand in the Presence of God.


But God’s desire, right from the beginning of creation, was for us to do just that – to stand in His Presence. And not just to stand – which, in itself, is already amazing – but actually to see ourselves fully united with the Creator of the Universe!


God longs for us to exercise our faith and – by an act of our will and sanctified imagination – to remove our old-Adam self as we step through the curtain, and to leave that old self firmly outside. The Father declares that we can now step towards Him with full confidence, because we go forward in our new identity, which was purchased for us by Jesus Himself.


On the Cross, the separating curtain of the Temple was embodied in the flesh of Jesus which He freely offered as the “living way” (Hebrews 10:20), flinging wide for us the entrance into the Holy of Holies. 

We hear God inviting us to walk boldly and freely into this most holy place – into the heart of the Father Himself. He desires sweet, unhindered relationship with each one of us. He longs for us to know ourselves to be so blended together with Him that we no longer see ourselves as separate beings. 

Jesus opened wide His arms on the Cross in order to open the way to the most intimate of friendships with us. Later, God’s Holy Spirit poured the following words through the apostle Paul, and the way is now wide open for us, personally, to join with Paul in his declaration: “My old identity has been co-crucified with Messiah and no longer lives …. Now the essence of this new life is no longer mine, for the Anointed One lives his life through me – we live in union as one!” (Gal. 2:20, TPT).


It is the blood of Jesus that accomplishes this wondrous state for us. And now we are called to believe it; to trust that we are indeed clothed in Christ (Galatians 3:27), and to walk with quiet confidence as a beloved son or daughter of God.


Let’s do it now! Please don’t be like I was, spending inordinate amounts of time trying to clean myself up and do better in order to feel acceptable. I try not to live like that any more! It just doesn’t work and leads only to frustration. That’s not to say we don’t aim to live in the best way we can, but fundamentally, it is only the blood of Jesus that can purify us completely and eternally. It is His Love poured out on our behalf that makes us fully and eternally acceptable – and He longs for us to find complete rest in this truth.


No matter what we may have done, or not done, in our lives, we are washed white as snow by His blood – and God the Father sees us in that way. He does not look at our past. Rather, He embraces us as beloved members of His family, calling us forth into our new identity. He sees us as we truly are now – radiating the Light, the frequency and the sound of Christ within us. The more we ponder this truth, and absorb it into our minds and hearts, the more real it becomes in our personal experience, and the more we see its transformational effects flowing through us, to bless others.


How wondrous is our Saviour. We praise Him!!

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